Oracle Transportation Management Cloud, part of the Supply Chain Management Cloud suite optimizes logistics operations, reduces cost, and delivers higher value to customers.
Jakarta, Indonesia—Puninar Logistics, one of the largest integrated logistics service and solution providers in Indonesia, has chosen Oracle Transportation Management Cloud to fuel the company’s aggressive expansion plans. Puninar Logistics is the first logistics company in Indonesia to use Oracle Transportation Management Cloud.
“The growth of the economy has resulted in increased demand for logistics services which saw the need to expand our business operations. There is also increased competition in the logistics sector that motivates us to innovate and create unique value added services to differentiate us from other competitions,” said Suyanto Tjoeng, Chief Strategic Business Development Officer, Puninar Logistics.
Previously, Puninar Logistics did not have the capability to quickly manage end-to-end operations across business lines on a single solution. The current systems lacked capabilities which would allow the company to react quickly to the changing needs of the marketplace.
“Puninar Logistics needed IT services that could help improve financial control and achieve higher profitability. With Oracle Transportation Management Cloud, they have been able to optimize their logistics operations, as well as reduce cost and deliver higher value to their customers,” said Jasbir Singh, Vice President, ERP/SCM Cloud, Oracle Asia Pacific.
With Oracle Transportation Management Cloud, part of Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud, Puninar Logistics is equipped with the flexibility to manage transportation, including land, sea, air, and train, and address unique business requirements for the logistics industry. Puninar Logistics is now able to use mobile devices like smart phones and tablets for shipment visibility and event management throughout a shipment and real-time capture of events at point of occurrence. Through the extensive use of KPIs and operational metrics, Oracle Transportation Management Cloud helps drive continuous improvement and deliver value to their customers, thus improving satisfaction values with stakeholders.
“Companies from various sectors are turning to Oracle for cloud-based solutions to better manage resources to improve the efficiency of their operations,” said Erwin Sukiato, Managing Director, Oracle Indonesia. “We are happy to be part of Puninar Logistics’ journey of digital transformation with their choice of Oracle Transportation Management Cloud. It clearly outlines Puninar Logistics’ vision to leverage Cloud technology as a key differentiator in today’s dynamic marketplace.”
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